Support Kim As She Runs to Raise Money for Cancer Research
Connor’s Heroes' board member, Kim MacLeod, pledged to raise $5,000 for Connor's Heroes by running not one, not two, but three marathons! WOW - that equals 78.65625 miles to be exact. That's the equivalent of running from Richmond to Hampton! If you'd rather not run to Hampton, you can support her by making a donation at her personal fundraising page. Last month, Connor's mom and dad, several board members and their friends and colleagues ran the Amazing Raise 5K. Running by their sides were Connor and his buddies. If you are interested in running to raise money for Connor's Heroes, please contact
Información para familias de pacientes FAQs
Preguntas frecuentes sobre la sesión de arte de héroes
¿Dónde y cuándo son las sesiones de arte?
Las fechas de la Sesión de Arte de Héroes* las encuentras aquí abajo. Cada sesión será de 2:00 a 3:30 p.m. en el Centro de Artes Visuales de Richmond. Las inscripciones para las sesiones de arte serán enviadas por correo electrónico unas semanas antes. Pueden asistir a más de una sesión si desean. Pueden contactar a Dayna, Gerente de Programas y Voluntarios, en si tiene alguna pregunta.
- Domingo 12 de Enero del 2025
- Domingo 9 de Febrero del 2025
- Domingo 16 de Marzo del 2025
- Domingo 6 de Abril del 2025
- Domingo 22 de Junio del 2025
- Domingo 20 de Julio del 2025
- Domingo 24 de Agosto del 2025
- Domingo 21 de Septiembre del 2025
- Domingo 19 de Octubre del 2025
- Domingo 16 de Noviembre del 2025
Centro de Artes Visuales de Richmond
1812 W Main Street
Richmond, VA 23220
Puede estacionarse en la calle y habrá estacionamiento adicional disponible en el lote en la parte de atrás del edificio. *Las Fechas están sujetas a cambios.
Oprima en este enlace para ver un video de una sesión de arte de héroes.
¿Mi hijo necesita ser artístico para participar?
No se requiere habilidad artística, nuestros increíbles voluntarios y artistas despertarán la creatividad de su hijo. Se divertirán, se expresarán artísticamente y pasarán tiempo con otros niños que entienden están pasando por la misma situación.
¿Quiénes asisten a una sesión de arte?
Invitamos a los héroes del cáncer infantil que están en tratamiento y los que estuvieron en tratamiento. ¡El resto de la familia también está invitada! Los proyectos de arte son para niños pequeños y adolescentes. ¡Incluyendo a los padres y cuidadores también!
¿Qué sucede en una sesión de arte?
Cada sesión de arte está llena de diferentes proyectos de arte. Dependiendo de los artistas, los medios varían desde pintura, costura, arcilla, colores de agua, pasteles y más. Cada niño puede moverse de una estación de arte y participar en todos los proyectos. Por lo general, al final de la sesión tenemos un delicioso manjar como Kona Ice Truck. Oprima aquí para ver fotos de nuestras sesiones de arte de héroes.
¿Qué es una pieza colaborativa?
Nuestros Mentores Artistas coinciden en una obra de arte para que todos los niños trabajen juntos. La belleza del arte colaborativo es que muchas manos creativas participaron en hacer que la obra maestra cobre vida. Los niños pintarán bloques y cuando se ponen juntos formarán una mariposa, pintaran las manchas de una jirafa con su color favorito o coserán una colcha de retazos..
Estas obras de arte serán subastadas en el evento de recaudación de fondos más grande del año de Connor ‘s Heroes, que es The Heroes Art Ball.
¿Puede mi hijo llevarse a casa el arte que creo?
Sí, en cada sesión habrá por lo menos una pieza que su hijo pueda llevarse a casa.
¿Qué es el Heroes Art Ball?
El Heroes Art Ball es una noche para celebrar a nuestras familias de héroes, llena de música, comida deliciosa, baile, una subasta, todo es para apoyar el trabajo de Connor ‘s Heroes. Esta es nuestra recaudación de fondos más grande del año y apoya todos nuestros programas. El evento principal es la subasta en vivo de arte creado por nuestros Héroes que están en tratamiento y sus hermanos con la ayuda de artistas profesionales locales. Cada pieza colaborativa expresa las emociones de ser un niño con cáncer y la esperanza de un futuro mejor. Si estás interesado en saber más sobre el Heroes Art Ball, contacta a Celia en
(804) 897-1272
Volunteering FAQs
Volunteering With Connor's Heroes
Thank you for your interest in volunteering with Connor’s Heroes to help childhood cancer heroes. We value time, talent, energy and enthusiasm. To start, you fill out our Volunteer Interest Form [CLICK HERE]. You will answer a few questions about yourself and why you want to volunteer. You will receive emails (about once a month) announcing our volunteer opportunities. You can choose the events based on your interest and schedule. (Note: the majority of our volunteering is in Richmond, Virginia)
Heroes Art Session
Most every month, Connor’s Heroes host our Heroes Art Session. Each art session is packed with different types of art projects lead by artist mentors and volunteers. Depending on which artists attend, the medium may be painting, sewing, clay, watercolors, or pastels. Each child can move from one art station to the next. Art Sessions are held at the Vis Arts Center of Richmond, one Sunday a month, from 2-3:30 pm.
You can volunteer to lead or assist with an art project. Starting in the spring, we will work on collaborative projects that we auction at our gala event, The Heroes Art Ball.
Connor’s Heroes Events
Throughout the year, we will have opportunities where we need extra hands and smiles. Some events are with our hero families (like a Pizza Party at Mellow Mushroom). Or at a restaurant, brewery, or festival. In December, we host a Holiday Open House for our hero families.
Heroes Art Ball
The Heroes Art Ball is an evening celebrating our hero families, full of music, great food, dancing, a silent auction – all supporting the work of Connor’s Heroes. We have monthly planning meetings starting in the new year. You can also volunteer the day of the gala. This is an excellent opportunity if you need community service hours.
Group Volunteer Activities
If you are part of a church, service organization, scouting, student group, or business, you may be able to help Connor’s Heroes. We sometimes have seasonal or one-time volunteer opportunities. Examples include helping in the office with mailings, packing Family Fun Packs, or doing yard work for our Hero families in the fall.
Capture the special moments of our hero families at our events. You will give a parent a lasting memory they will cherish. You do not need to be a professional photographer. Photographing an event is a great way to build your portfolio.
Virtual Volunteer Opportunities
Coordinate a Hero Backpack or Parent Tote Supply Drive:
After a child is diagnosed with cancer, they receive a Heroes Backpack and Parent Totebag. Parents call it a “lifeline” during the early days of their child’s treatment. You will host a drive for supplies for the Heroes Bags and Backpacks. You will “shop” from our Amazon wish list of popular games, toiletries, personal items, etc. Collect the donations, and drop off or ship them to Connor’s Heroes office. View our Amazon Wish List [LINK]
Coordinate a Gift Card Drive:
You will host a drive to collect gift cards. You will “shop” from our Amazon wish list of gift cards from restaurants, gas stations, grocery stores. Collect the donations, and drop off or ship them to Connor’s Heroes office. We will mail a gift card for a patient’s birthday or when a child needs a pick-me-up. View our Amazon Wish List [LINK]
Coordinate a Family Fun Pack Supply Drive:
Family Fun Packs are sent right to a patient family’s doorstep filled with everything they need for a Game Night or Movie Night. You will host a drive to purchase supplies for Family Fun Packs. You will “shop” from our Amazon wish list. Collect the donations, and drop off or ship them to Connor’s Heroes office. View our Amazon Wish List [LINK]
Volunteering FAQs
I am under the age of 18. Can I volunteer?
In most cases, yes. When you fill out the volunteer online form, remember to check the box that you are under the age of 18.
My company has a day of service. Can we volunteer at Connor’s Heroes?
Email or call Celia, Executive Director, with the details about your day of service. You can reach Celia at or call (804) 897-1272.
I am volunteering to earn community service hours for my school.
Great. Be sure to submit your paperwork with as soon as you completed your volunteering.
I don’t live in Richmond. Can I still volunteer?
Yes, but you are limited to volunteering virtually.
How will you tell me about volunteer opportunities?
We will send you an email (about once a month). Read it over and click the links to sign up. Please add our emails to your contacts so our email doesn’t get thrown into your spam or junk folder.
Ready to Volunteer? Contact:
Dayna Cobb, Program and Volunteer Manager
(804) 997-1660 •
Heroes Art Sessions FAQs
Heroes Art Sessions FAQs
When and where are the art sessions?
The Heroes Art Session* dates are below. Each session is held from 2:00 – 3:30 PM at the Visual Art Center of Richmond. Art Session sign ups are emailed out a few weeks in advance. Feel free to come to more than one session if you are able. Contact Dayna, Program and Volunteer Manager, at if you have questions.
- Sunday January 12, 2025
- Sunday February 9, 2025
- Sunday March 16, 2025
- Sunday April 6, 2025
- Sunday June 22, 2025
- Sunday July 20, 2025
- Sunday August 24, 2025
- Sunday September 21, 2025
- Sunday October 19, 2025
- Sunday November 16, 2025
Visual Arts Center of Richmond
1812 W Main Street
Richmond, VA 23220
Street parking and additional parking available in the lot in the back of the building.
*Dates subject to change.
Does my child need to be artistic to participate?
Artistic ability not required – because our amazing volunteers and artists will spark your child’s creativity. They will have fun, express themselves artistically, and get to spend time with other kids who understand what they’re going through.
Who comes to an art session?
We invite childhood cancer heroes who are in active treatment and post treatment. The rest of the family is invited too! Art projects are for toddlers to teens. Even parents and caregivers create too!
What happens at an art session?
Each art session is packed with different types of art projects. Depending on the artists, the mediums vary from painting, sewing, clay, watercolors, pastels, and more. Each child can move from one art station and participate in all projects. We typically have at the end of the session a yummy treat like Kona Ice Truck. Click here to see photos from our Heroes Art Sessions.
What is a collaborative piece?
Our Artist Mentors concept an art piece for all the children to work on together. The beauty of collaborative art is so many creative hands had a part in making the masterpiece come to life. Children have painted blocks when pieced together made up a butterfly, painted the spots on a giraffe with their favorite color, or sewed a quilt block.
These art pieces are later auctioned off at Connor’s Heroes largest fundraiser of the year, The Heroes Art Ball.
Can my child take home the art they create?
Yes, at each session there will be at least one piece your child can take home with them.
What is the Heroes Art Ball?
It’s an evening celebrating our hero families, full of music, great food, dancing, a silent auction – all supporting the work of Connor’s Heroes. This is our largest fundraiser of the year and supports all of our programs. The main event is the live auction of art created by our Heroes who are in active treatment and their siblings with help from local, professional artists. Each collaborative piece expresses the emotions of being a child with cancer and the hope for a better future. If you are interested in learning more about the Heroes Art Ball, contact Celia at
Contact Us
(804) 897-1272