We started with… a family!

We started with a family: The Hardy Family in Fredericksburg. Little Josh, just 9 months old and diagnosed with stage 5 malignant rhaboid tumors, was the first patient to officially register with Connor's Heroes. Josh's journey with cancer is an incredible story. Not only has he tackled a rare, aggressive cancer, a bone marrow transplant, an adenovirus, tracheotomy and dialysis, but his parents took on the FDA and a major pharmaceutical company. Josh is still battling and he and his family continue to show incredible superhero faith. Since Josh registered, Connor's Heroes has helped more than 1,000 families. You can learn more about this amazing family in this recent article

Meet Black Beulah

Her name is Black Beulah. She's a 33-year-old beauty. She's sporting rockin' rocker boxes, upswept fishtail exhaust pipes, rippled tail lights, ribbed rear fender and a ton of other custom-made features. She could be yours! Black Beulah is the motorcycle built by our friends hosting this year's Heroes Run III. On September 11, you could be riding off the parking lot of Hardywood Park Craft Brewery on this! Purchase your $25 voucher on the Connor's Heroes website. Joe, Justin, Rudy, and friends will donate the money to Connor's Heroes! The website, Chop Cult, featured Black Beulah. Here's an excerpt on how Joe and Justin came to be involved with Central Virginia's childhood cancer community. Read the complete article with detailed photos of the bike at www.chopcult.com

Back in early 2014, my phone rang and a new friendship began. Justin Spears was on the other end, asking for support with a new project, called Heroes Run, which he was spearheading with his longtime friend, Joe Davenport. The Heroes Run has grown over the past two years, thanks to the supporters and companies that have donated to the cause. Every cent raised by Justin, Joe and their awesome group of volunteers goes to the Connor’s Heroes Foundation, which gives support and companionship to families who have children battling cancer. What started as a meet and ride has turned into an event that has produced two bikes which have been donated the cause. This concept works for all as it brings people together for the greater good, someone in attendance rides off with a kick-ass bike, and Connor's Heroes receives the revenue. Last year Justin built a 1983 HD sportster that he named “Ol' Grammy,”and he just completed another home run, dubbed Black Beulah, that you see here. I would like to applaud Justin, Joe, and Rudy for continuing to shine the light on Conner's Heroes and for their dedication to the Heroes Run.

Pic cred: Mick Anders Photography

We started with… a boy

We started with... a boy. A sweet, 22-month old boy named Connor. My oldest child. What I thought was a persistent ear infection was actually Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL), the most common childhood cancer. Doctors told me that it was the "good kind" w/ a high rate of survivorship. No cancer is the "good kind." For the next 2-1/2 years, we spent days and nights in and out of the hospital, clinic, and emergency room. Finally, on March 7, 2006, Connor finished treatment. Our journey with Connor's cancer inspired us to start Connor's Heroes 10 years ago. You allowed us to help more than 1,000 families. We established the only endowment fund at VCU Massey Cancer Center that is dedicated to childhood cancer research. Now, I would say that is more than "good."

The story of Amaya and Ariana

Amaya is the four-year-old big sister to Ariana. In May, little Ariana was diagnosed with T-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma (T-LBL). She is two years old. Ariana started an intense chemotherapy full of drug cocktails and side effects. Mom, Kelsey, is juggling raising these two beautiful girls while studying nursing full time. Helping mom is her own mother. Because Kelsey registered Ariana with Connor's Heroes, Mom, Grandma and the girls are receiving support from us. Last week, Erin gave mom a $50 gift card for Kroger. Mom and the girls joined us for a night at The Diamond to meet Nutzy and watch a baseball game. Ariana started her long journey with childhood cancer, but thanks to you, Ariana and Amaya are not alone.

Connor's Heroes is rallying with the world during September's Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. We'll share stories, encouragement, and updates on what we've accomplished thanks to you! You allow us to fulfill our mission:

To build a community of heroes who provide hope, guidance, and support to children with cancer and their families.

$5,300 Raised

Avid runner and CHF board member, Ashley, organized another successful Brandermill 7.4K on July 4. Between race registration, sponsorships and a sweet cupcake bake sale, the event raised $5,300. Just as important, this event raised awareness of childhood cancer in our community. Several of our hero families live in the Brandermill neighborhood. They appreciated the support of their neighbors in their fight against childhood cancer. 

I Deliver Care

We are excited to be partnering with McKesson on their campaign "McKesson Delivers." The campaign kicked off with this heartfelt video that featured our hero Jack. The video shows how McKesson employees help patients with each bandage, syringe and vial of vaccine they provide. If you are a healthcare provider, they are asking you to share how YOU DELIVER CARE! Record a 1-3 minute video or write a post celebrating the special care you deliver to patients every day. You could win a $1000 donation made in your organization's name to Connor's Heroes (or two other charities). McKesson will chose a winner every month. 

So, what could you talk about? How about:

  • A special patient like Jack who fought against the odds;
  • The passion you have for helping people stay healthy;
  • An overview of the things you do every day to make sure your patients know how much you care;
  • Because you are proud of the work you do as a healthcare provider.

You should focus the story on you and your facility's care. There is no need for you to make any reference to McKesson in your story or video. (Remember to leave out any confidential patient information.)  It doesn't need to be long or formal.  Just grab your smartphone and record a brief, heartfelt message.  Use the hashtag #idelivercarefor

Submit your story and/video on McKesson's website.

New Family Festival in 2017

After much discussion with our co-sponsors, Westchester Commons and Richmond Family Magazine, we are not going to have the event formerly known as DiggityFest this September. Don't worry though. We hope to bring it back in 2017 with a new name and a new kind of fun. This doesn't mean that Connor's Heroes won't have family-friendly events. Quite the contrary. Check out our events page. From The Heroes Run motorcycle rally, concerts throughout the area or dining at area restaurants, our community of supporters put the FUN in fundraising! 

Night at the Diamond

It's become a traditional summer event for our Hero families: Going to a Flying Squirrels baseball game. Connor's Heroes worked with our friends at the Diamond to arrange for a fun-filled night. All the families had to do was show up. The kids met Nutzy the Flying Squirrel, ran on the field and enjoyed a hot dog or two. Just as special, the families spent time together on a beautiful summer night, outside of the hospital. Your gifts support our programs so we can go all out for our childhood cancer heroes. Thank you to Kristin Seward for capturing this special night.

Ashland Barracudas Swim For Cancer

Once again the Ashland Barracudas swam for childhood cancer! They dropped off $5,000 in donations that we will include as part of our $10,000 donation to the Jamie Hess Pediatric Bone Marrow Transplant Fund at the VCU Massey Cancer Center. Jamie’s parents, Fred and Barbara, have been a part of our organization since our early years. They encouraged us to help the pediatric cancer patients who are often feeling isolated on the bone marrow transplant unit. Barbara and Fred both volunteered at this year's highly successful Heroes Art Ball. The Jamie Hess Fund and Connor’s Heroes Pediatric Cancer Research Fund are the only ones in Richmond dedicated to supporting ground-breaking childhood cancer research. Thank you to Ashland for carrying on Jamie's legacy. 

Below is the story of Jamie Hess and how his illness inspired the team to swim in honor of him and our childhood cancer heroes! 

Creating Smiles

These sweet girls spent an afternoon in our office making cards. They filled each one with drawings of flowers and sunshine, and wrote inspiration messages like "we're thinking of you" and "you're not alone." They also donated iTunes and GooglePlay gift cards to go with them! Parents tell us that these cards are very special to their child because they were made by other kids. Kids helping kids. It's a big part of Connor's Heroes!