Heroes Art Session Is Halloween Fun For Childhood Cancer Heroes

Our October Heroes Art Session was a gourd-ishly good time, filled with spooky fun that brought out the Halloween spirit in everyone!

The kids went all out painting pumpkins. They transformed them into boo-tiful works of art. Our volunteers, who always go above and beyond, conjured up some wickedly creative craft stations. Kids learned calligraphy, made glitter shakers, and set up a photo booth. There was no shortage of fang-tastic activities to keep everyone busy.

Halloween may be spooky, but the strength and bravery of these kids is what inspire us. The Heroes Art Session is a time to celebrate them, while creating monstrously fun memories.

Hero Families: Aschemund, Augie, Charlotte, Jericho, June, Lauren, Nikola, and Tecumseh
Volunteers: Olivia, Gurbani, Vishnu, Allison, Taylor, Sheldon, Margo, Chastity, Kristie, Emily, Maddie, Nancy, Hannah, Jess, and Sophie

Photo Credit: Taylor / IG @‌tbphotography_2023 and Sheldon

Photobooth Pics: Margo Asay

About Heroes Art Session With Childhood Cancer Heroes And Their Families

Our Heroes Art Sessions provide a supportive environment in which childhood cancer heroes and their siblings can make art and build community with other hero families. At the sessions, you feel a collective sense of healing by creating and being together. We are grateful to Visual Arts Center for giving us the space for an open studio. And to our donors who allow the Heroes Art Sessions to happen at no cost to our families and to supply the artists with their materials.