Falling Into Fall

Childhood cancer heroes and their families spent the afternoon creating wonderful Fall crafts. The children made vibrant sun catchers that shined like fall leaves in the sunlight. They painted trees with colorful fall leaves. They connected with nature through terrarium-making. Each child created tiny, ecosystems using dirt, stones, little decorations, and beautiful air ferns. Watching the children create reminded us that the changing beauty of autumn can be captured not just in nature, but in the art we create.

We are grateful to the volunteers who created with the children. It was really special to have a team of pediatric oncology nurses who work on the 12th Floor where most of our heroes are admitted when they are in the hospital. The nurses enjoyed seeing the kids outside of the hospital.

Hero Families: Aschemund, Caleb, Charlotte, Kennedy, Ruby, Tay, Tecumseh
Volunteers: Adelaide, Ashton, Brittany, Emily, Gurbani, Gracie, Kristie, Laura, Maddie, Meredith, Nancy, Olivia #1, Olivia #2, Phyllis

Photo Credit: Marlena Artis / IG @Marlenartis

Group of volunteers ready to help childhood cancer heroes
Volunteers for the heroes art session included nurses from the 12th Floor of the children's hospital / Picture Credit: IG @Marlenartis

About Heroes Art Session With Childhood Cancer Heroes And Their Families

Our Heroes Art Sessions provide a supportive environment in which childhood cancer heroes and their siblings can make art and build community with other hero families. At the sessions, you feel a collective sense of healing by creating and being together. We are grateful to Visual Arts Center for giving us the space for an open studio. And to our donors who allow the Heroes Art Sessions to happen at no cost to our families and to supply the artists with their materials.